Working with Veterinarians for 25 years If you send sympathy cards or flowers to clients who've lost their pets, then you already know the customer service value of leaving pet owners with something more than a bill for their pet's final care. Yet flowers die, and cards are tucked away in drawers - while for about the same cost as a nice bouquet, you could be sending a lasting, personalized pet memorial from Say it in Stones. With the pet's name and optional paw print beautifully etched on a 5 or 10lb stone, our memorials give bereaved pet owners a permanent, tangible reminder of their pet's eternal presence in their memories. Other veterinary clinics tell us that using our pet memorials as bereavement gifts will help you: � Provide an eye-catching daily reminder of your clinic in the client's home, with far greater impact than a refrigerator magnet � Invest in the future business of clients when they're ready for new pets, or when they refer friends and family � Differentiate your clinic's customer service with a gift of higher perceived value than flowers - at about the same cost to you. Because your veterinary clinic is eligible for discounted pricing on all orders, you can: � Affordable, factor the cost of our stones into the markup of your final care � Profitably offer our stones at retail prices to your customers through bereavement packages or you can simply make our attractive full-color brochures available for clients to peruse in your lobby. However, you choose to offer our stones, your clients will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and they'll keep remembering your staff's kind sensitivity and customer service. How to Order Ordering is simple. Call us at 1-360-956-1017 to receive your special code which you can enter during the checkout process to access our discount prices. Included with each order is a hand-written card saying, "In memory of", the Pet's name, and the name of the hospital that sent the memorial. We can also customize the message for you. You can also contact us to receive our brochure and price list, and so that we can answer your questions and start helping your clinic achieve all the benefits of our pet memorials!
Sending Pet Garden Memorials to Your Patients If you are a veterinarian, then you know that although you love all of your patients, there are some that really touch your heart, and you get very close to through the years. Although these animals are not yours, you feel the pain when one passes and probably feel inclined to reach out with a kind gesture to the owner. A card is nice, but you probably send one to the humans for all your passed patients. Flowers are thoughtful but sending something that dies is never recommended. Pet garden memorials are the perfect gifts. Pet Garden Memorials for the Extra Special Ones You do not have to get in the habit of sending pet garden memorials to everyone, if it is not in your budget. However, when one really touches your heart and you know their human is in pain, sending a stone to pay tribute to the animal's life is the ultimate gesture. It shows that you really do care and may be just what that person needs, to get through this tough time. Here at Say it in Stones, we offer a beautiful selection of memories in an array of sizes and prices. You can add the animal's name, a note and graphic to show how much you appreciate that you had the opportunity to care for their beloved pet, and how sorry you are for their loss. Contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or call 360-956-1017 |